Saturday, June 30, 2007

I'm offended

We've decided at C3 to keep the stallions. There are leadership decisions we make that we know will cause some people to leave. And, guess what
- we do this intentionally. I'm not interested in a church with a bunch of jackasses
(Byron Bledsoe)

When I read this, I was so offended. You probably think that I am, as you say, a 'jackass.' Well, I'm not. I love Jesus, I love the lost, and I want nothing more than to see people come to know Him (and C3 isn't the only place where this happens!). Just because I don't agree with you doesn't make me wrong. Why are we still blasting other believers? Agree or disagree is fine... I just don't see the need for name calling.

What you say doesn't matter. You are not who I aim to please. This is what I've found:

But as for me, it is good to be near God. I have made the Soverign LORD my refuge. Psalm 73:28

1 comment:

Casey said...

Jesus had a big place in his heart for non-stallions...he pretty much surrounded himself with people who were really pitiful. Even the "roll call of faith" in Hebrews highlights a whore....

Anyway, I know the post is old, but I just wanted to say I hear ya.