Friday, July 27, 2007

so much to say...

I really have a lot I could be writing about. There sure is a lot going on in my head right now anyway.

I've read some blogs where it seems as if someone has something they want to say to someone else but instead, they skirt around the issue by writing vague and confusing thoughts (at least that's what it seems like to me). I guess I should think, it's their blog, they can write what they want, but I always go back to thinking that if they are posting on the internet and directing it to someone else, they obviously want someone to hear what they're saying. (it could be too that I'm just not smart enough to understand it!)

Maybe I'm just skirting around how I feel right now. The thing is though, I'm still trying to figure out all that God is trying to teach me. Here is what I've known but has become more evident to me over the last week or so:

1. I have a lot of conditional friends. I've realized that sadly, these people aren't really my friends at all. I say 'sadly' because I really care about them. I'm learning I need to let go (even though I don't want to) because ultimately these aren't the kind of friends I want to have.

2. In this order, I have an amazing Savior, husband, and family. 'Friends' would have been listed next but considering 'what I've learned #1,' that wouldn't make sense. I know I do have at least one unconditional friend. She encourages me no matter what, and I love her deeply. These constants in my life ease the pain of the 'friends' I spoke of in #1.

Ok, so I'm now guilty. I just skirted around my feelings and did the exact thing I mentioned in the second paragraph of this post. I'll take another step though... if you're reading this and wondering 'is she talking about me?' Just ask me, I'll tell you.

I do want it to be clear that I couldn't be happier than I am in my life right now. God is teaching me so much about Himself and myself and I'm so thankful for it. If you are my conditional friend, I would love nothing more than to develop an unconditional friendship with you. I also need to be honest and say that I'm not perfect at this all the time either! However, I have decided to start at least being truly honest with myslef from here on out... and let me tell you, it feels great! :)

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

the greatest reason for praise...

The greatest reason to praise God is when a person accepts His love and forgiveness. My twelve year old cousin came to Jesus last night. When he got up this morning, he told my grandmother that he couldn't wait to go home and tell his mom, dad, and brother about what Jesus has done for him. This truly is something wonderful and worthy of praise!

in my dreams...

Ok, I'm back. However, if you're gonna read this, don't expect an eloquent outpouring of expression or anything sophisticated or profound from me. I'm not going to be trendy, complex, or confusing. I'm just going to be me.

I thought today that I'd record some of the dreams I've been having. They're weird and it seems as if I've been remembering them in great detail lately so, why not?!

The night before last, I dreamt that I bought my husband a new gun case for his shot gun in the new Vera Bradley pattern. When I told him about it, we both laughed for a while. :)

Last night, I dreamt that I put my puppy in the washing machine and bleached him. In my dream, he didn't get hurt, I was more worried about how to explain to my husband why the dog was now snow white.

Maybe I dreamt about the dog and the washing machine because that's what I see the most of. I can't explain the gun case...go figure! :)

Monday, July 16, 2007

yes, I've decided

I've decided that I'm not 'cool' enough to blog. I was tempted earlier to just delete everything but then I thought that if someone runs across these six little posts, they might smile at the nipple story (story). And then I was thinking, I felt much better after I wrote the things that I wrote so maybe I'd like to come back to this.
I guess we'll just have to see.

Friday, July 13, 2007

thunderstorm warning

on my way home, I mistook the thunderstorm warning with 'nickel' sized hail for 'nipple' sized hail!
it was pretty funny! :)

some thoughts...

The subject of this blog is probably more appropriate for a first blog but, oh well. I went back and forth about starting my own blog because I'm still not so sure that I like the idea of writing my thoughts/feelings/whatever just for other people to read. My previous posts have been more for myself... it feels good to write out how I feel. I know that somewhere deep inside me, I want others to read it (especially the people I'm writing about) but that's not necessary. All of my posts won't be about other people. I'd like to use this as a place where I can record all of my feelings- good or bad. I'd also like to record for myself what God is teaching me and my husband and how He is working in our lives. So, that's why I'm here, doing this. Maybe someday I'll make it a bit more public...for now though, I'm good leaving it as is!

Thursday, July 12, 2007

mean girl

Dear Mean Girl,

You added me as your myspace and facebook friend, then you deleted me. You added me again, and then deleted me again. So, I did the most immature thing I could think of- I blocked you and your little dog too! (I've always wanted to use that 'little dog' line... and I really did block your dog)

I know, I know, myspace and facebook are juvenile but I don't care.

I don't like you.


I'm feeling better

"whether you're in my town, or another state - if you're reaching people - loving God and loving others, I am for you! The issue is not style, it's attitude. A "stallion" verses a "jackass" is about attitude not style or
location." byron's blog

To say the least, I appreciate the clarification.