Wednesday, July 18, 2007

in my dreams...

Ok, I'm back. However, if you're gonna read this, don't expect an eloquent outpouring of expression or anything sophisticated or profound from me. I'm not going to be trendy, complex, or confusing. I'm just going to be me.

I thought today that I'd record some of the dreams I've been having. They're weird and it seems as if I've been remembering them in great detail lately so, why not?!

The night before last, I dreamt that I bought my husband a new gun case for his shot gun in the new Vera Bradley pattern. When I told him about it, we both laughed for a while. :)

Last night, I dreamt that I put my puppy in the washing machine and bleached him. In my dream, he didn't get hurt, I was more worried about how to explain to my husband why the dog was now snow white.

Maybe I dreamt about the dog and the washing machine because that's what I see the most of. I can't explain the gun case...go figure! :)

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