Friday, July 27, 2007

so much to say...

I really have a lot I could be writing about. There sure is a lot going on in my head right now anyway.

I've read some blogs where it seems as if someone has something they want to say to someone else but instead, they skirt around the issue by writing vague and confusing thoughts (at least that's what it seems like to me). I guess I should think, it's their blog, they can write what they want, but I always go back to thinking that if they are posting on the internet and directing it to someone else, they obviously want someone to hear what they're saying. (it could be too that I'm just not smart enough to understand it!)

Maybe I'm just skirting around how I feel right now. The thing is though, I'm still trying to figure out all that God is trying to teach me. Here is what I've known but has become more evident to me over the last week or so:

1. I have a lot of conditional friends. I've realized that sadly, these people aren't really my friends at all. I say 'sadly' because I really care about them. I'm learning I need to let go (even though I don't want to) because ultimately these aren't the kind of friends I want to have.

2. In this order, I have an amazing Savior, husband, and family. 'Friends' would have been listed next but considering 'what I've learned #1,' that wouldn't make sense. I know I do have at least one unconditional friend. She encourages me no matter what, and I love her deeply. These constants in my life ease the pain of the 'friends' I spoke of in #1.

Ok, so I'm now guilty. I just skirted around my feelings and did the exact thing I mentioned in the second paragraph of this post. I'll take another step though... if you're reading this and wondering 'is she talking about me?' Just ask me, I'll tell you.

I do want it to be clear that I couldn't be happier than I am in my life right now. God is teaching me so much about Himself and myself and I'm so thankful for it. If you are my conditional friend, I would love nothing more than to develop an unconditional friendship with you. I also need to be honest and say that I'm not perfect at this all the time either! However, I have decided to start at least being truly honest with myslef from here on out... and let me tell you, it feels great! :)


Anonymous said...

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Anonymous said...

unfortunately i too can relate. enduring the betrayal of false/conditional friends is not an easy thing to do...and there's no quick fix for the sadness it brings. but...something i've clung to in the midst of the struggle is that i have a God who passionately pursues me. unconditionally.