Saturday, September 1, 2007

it's been a while...

I wasn't sure if I would even remember my password to login when I sat down to write this tonight- it really has been that long!

The last couple weeks of my life have really worn me out.

School started August 20th. I have 21 sometimes sweet, sometimes sassy 3rd graders. The first day of school went well. I love my school, the people I teach with, and my students. First impressions told me that although it would be tough, this would be a rewarding year.

When I got home that Monday afternoon, Brian was home and he gave me the news that his grandmother had passed away earlier that morning. Harriet Buck was a wonderful lady. I wish I could have known her better. Brian and I flew to Nashville Wednesday afternoon to be at her viewing and funeral.

It was hard to be out for two days during the first week of school. However, I wouldn't trade my time in Tennessee for anything that week. While we were there, I met some of Brian's family I had never met before. I also caught a glimpse of who his grandmother really was. Her funeral was really a celebration of her life and a reminder of her reunion with Jesus, her husband, and her family in heaven. I can't wait to see her again someday.

I am so glad she was able to be apart of our wedding. She started getting more sick just after the wedding. I will cherish our pictures of her forever (Nanny Buck- far right).

After getting home late Thursday night, I was back at school on Friday- looking forward to the weekend to catch up on some much needed rest. When I woke up Sunday, I had a fever of 101, was throwing up, and felt like I had been run over by a truck. I went to work Monday morning (and the rest of the week) fighting these symptoms. When I wasn't better by Thursday, I decided it might be time for a doctor. After describing my symptoms to her, she said she would 'just for the heck of it' test me for the flu. She was shocked when my test came back positive because flu season is typically November- June. I felt like a science experiment because she kept saying things like, 'this is so unusual' and 'you are a really strange case' and 'this is so exciting' as she called 3 or 4 of her doctor friends to give them the news. There was nothing she could prescribe me except lots of rest so that's what I've been trying to do.

I'm still feeling pretty crummy. I am so thankful this is a 3 day weekend. In fact, my only plans this weekend are to sleep, grade papers, and watch UT beat Cal. :)

I am so thankful for my husband. He has been so wonderful this week. He has driven me to work so I can sleep on the way. He's gone to the store early in the morning and late at night to get me juice/gatorade/medicine. He has slept on the couch all week. He has kept the house picked up, done the dishes, and folded clothes. He fed and walked the dog all week. He is absolutly wonderful and I love him. Thanks Baby for all you do. :)

My God is faithful. He always carries me and gently (and sometimes not so gently) reminds me that I cannot survive without Him.


Anonymous said...

I would agree you have a wonderful husband. I enjoy eating lunch with Brian everyday, and hearing stories about how much he loves you.

Can you believe my husband and I also got sick. I started throwing up last night, and he started this morning. Yuck. I'm so glad you're doing much better though.

this is me said...

oh no! When I was at the doctor, she said they could have given me something if I would have come in earlier. If you guys have the flu, maybe they could give you something?! I hope you're both better soon. :)

My Own Bandwagon said...

I was so sick when I first started teaching. Usually within the first few weeks. Every year, until you get used to all the germs. Kids are full of cooties!

Charlie Fish said...

Feel better and watch out for Mono!