Friday, September 7, 2007

'It's not easy being green'

There is a frog that lives outside our bedroom window that has learned how to push every last one of my husband's buttons. For the last 3 nights, as soon as we decide to go to bed, the frog so graciously offers to 'sing us to sleep'. It doesn't bother me as much because I'm so exhausted that I fall asleep fast and once I'm asleep- I'm out for the night. Brian on the other hand, has lost countless hours of precious sleep, thanks to our new little friend.
So tonight, Brian has gone from pj's and our comfy bed to up, dressed and ready to kill. Despite the fact that I'm exhausted and cannot wait to be reunited with my pillow, I'm finding this whole ordeal quite humorous. :)
(he's having trouble actually finding the frog) :)


Charlie Fish said...

Apparently, LeAnn is way too busy catching up on the reading we suggested to Blog. Heeeelllllllloooooooo, anybody out there?

Unknown said...

I think it might be that great novel by Dr. Suess that's keeoing her busy! lol

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